Think of us as Dragon's Den for charities - except someone always goes home with the money
100 | Members |
€495 |
Membership fee
€49,500 |
Prize fund
4 | Events |
€10,000 | Prize Fund Per Event |
3 | Charities Pitch |
€5k / €3k / €2k
| Prizes at each event |
€9,500 | Balance Fund Split Evenly |
All | Every Charity Gets Something |
Our network is full of people who want to help. The more people who get involved the bigger impact we can make to the charities.
It is also a good fun evening with some great networking opportunities.
100% of all your donations goes directly to charities, everyone involved in this initiative is doing this voluntarily and any costs that may be associated with running the events are sponsored by our very generous corporate sponsors.
© 2023. The 100